Friday, July 21, 2006

Political: European Governments' Benign Support For Israeli Action

One need not second guess what is the stand of European governments in this Lebanon-Palestine crisis. Its clearly evident that the European nations are benignly supporting Israel. They have so far been clear, loud and explicit in their denounciation of Hezbullah and they are making every efforts to stop Hezbullah. However they have been chewing their words for Israel and showing absolutely no intention to stop Israel. What is equally clear is that the Europeans are waiting for Israel to finish its delibrate and categorical massacre of Lebanese and Palestinians before intervening during which they will pretend to hold high regard for human rights abuses or war crimes. So much for the values of Europeans. When the "civilized man" starts supporting the barbarous man, then he is nothing less than a barbarian himself.


At 5:16 AM, Blogger seeker94 said...

Well said! I doubt the western nations will step in. They fear the humiliation of highlighting their own impotence when it comes to politics in the middle east.


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